Towards Greater Connection

This website has been designed specifically for the TU Delft Aerospace Engineering Faculty Week taking place between 27 and 30 March 2023. You can find out more about the ‘why’ of this programme, the programme itself, the logistics, how to register and of course sources of inspiration. We are very much looking forward welcoming you the end of March!
This Faculty Week is a continuation of previous initiatives undertaken within the Faculty and is thus part of a larger programme. There will be concrete follow-up activities after the Faculty Week. You will receive more information about this during the Faculty Week.

Messages from your Management Team

A message from your dean

Dear colleague,

Thanks for visiting this website about our upcoming Faculty Week ‘Towards Greater Connection’. It’s great you’re here.

From 27 until 30 March 2023 we are organising the Faculty Week. In that week every staff member of the faculty will join a day long programme at Lijm & Cultuur to discuss how we can better connect within our faculty community. Starting points are the TU Delft Code of Conduct core values Diversity, Integrity, Respect, Engagement, Courage and Trust.

So, why are we doing this? I can explain.

Why this programme?

At the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering we already mostly do the right things. The quality of research, education, innovation and the way the faculty is run is high. We score high in rankings, attract lots of funding, receive awards and grants and our students and alumni are highly appreciated. We create real impact in society and do that with pride, bravado and a ‘can do attitude’. And of course: we are also a pretty pleasant group of people with lots of shared passions, good collaborations and friendships already.

But we can and should connect better. First of all because a safe, diverse, inclusive and trusting workplace allows all of us to thrive. But also: we only have a chance to help solve enormous challenges such as mitigating climate change and the energy transition associated with it, if we work on them together. We should measure our success by the impact we can have together in the real world, rather than by the citation scores of individuals.

To create the right environment to do this, we need to learn and talk more about our culture, communication and our behaviour in our international and intercultural community. The Faculty Week is part of a broader programme in the faculty started in 2020 after the Medmon staff survey to help improve communication, professionalism, collaboration and personal leadership.

During the Faculty Week ‘Towards Greater Connection’ we will take the next step in this programme, exploring in small, safe, facilitated settings what we need to do to improve, individually and collectively. We will also openly share and learn from and with each other what we do really well and need to strengthen.

Please have a good browse around on this website. You can find the programme of the Faculty Week and also lots of articles and videos about collaboration, ways of working and culture in organisations. And please also register for one of the days in the faculty week through this website – in addition to accepting the Outlook invitation.

We can do this!

On behalf of the entire Management Team of the faculty,

Henri Werij
Dean Faculty of Aerospace Engineering