Explore the programme

A full day programme that connects

TU Delft - Aerospace Engineering - Faculty Week 2023

The TU Delft Aerospace Engineering Faculty Week runs from Monday 27th until Thursday 30th March. During each day, we run the same programme so it doesn’t matter which day you attend. Please register here on which day you would like to attend. It promises to be an engaging, inspiring, and informative event. There is no preparation beforehand required. All we ask is to be curious and open to new and different perspectives.
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
College tour

The crew is looking forward to welcome you between 11:00 and 11:15am with coffee or tea. At 11:15am you will be invited to take a seat in the plenary room where the college tour will start at 11:30am sharp. On stage, the moderator will facilitate an interactive dialogue between you, your dean and two members of the management team. You will discover ‘why’ this initiative is so important and challenging at the same time. In addition, more information will be shared on ‘what’ and ‘how’ this broader programme will continue after the Faculty Week. During the college tour, please feel free to share your questions and/or challenges with the panel!

12:30 - 1:15 pm
Connecting lunch

You are invited to (re)connect with your colleagues over lunch and to reflect together on what you learned during the college tour.

During the lunch break, there is also an opportunity to meet and speak with representatives from HR, Diversity & Inclusion Committees, and other relevant functions.

1:15 - 5:00 pm
Experiential learning

The afternoon consists of two interactive parts. One part consists of having dialogues in small groups about collaboration, connection, and (personal) leadership. For these dialogues we will use a unique Aerospace Engineering version of the TU Delft Leadership Dialogue Game. During the other part of the afternoon, you will learn more about the behaviour, skills and mindset that contribute to a safe learning and working environment.