
Brown, B., The Power of Vulnerability, TED Talk.

Covey, S.M.R., Four key behaviors to build trust in uncertain times.

Edmondson, A.C. How to Turn a Group of Strangers into a Team, TED Talk.

Edmondson, A.C., The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation and Growth, Rotman School of Management.

Fredrickson, B.L., How Positive Emotions Work and Why.

From Insights to Inclusion: On Building Diverse Teams.

Inclusion & Diversity – How Not to Do It

Sinek, S., How great leaders inspire action.

Sinek, S., How to discover your why in difficult times.

Sinek, S., Why good leaders make you feel safe.

The SCARF Model: Origins, Applications, and Future.

What is Self Determination Theory?

5 Tips for Being an Ally.

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